Genesis Members

Guiding tech leaders of tomorrow to operate with precision, excellence, experimentation & collaboration from a place of confidence, calm & consistency.

The Rabbit Hole
125 Inner Circle Members

As a Genesis member, you'll enjoy exclusive perks and benefits that will elevate your tech leadership journey.

Rooted in Tradition, Soaring in Tech

Our most trusted friends, family & allies building a better world through tech while remaining deeply rooted in ancient wisdoms.

Black & White Rabbit: Our Tribe

The ultimate Black & White Rabbit experience for those of you that identify with our tribe & value precision, excellence, experimentation, collaboration & freedom- while having a whole bunch of fun.

Rabbit Hole: Digital Unity

This is a token of your support & involvement in our shared vision of adigitally united network of hubs bringing together the leaders of tomorrow. Those looking to leverage our IP, systems & assets in their own cities will be required to be down the Rabbit Hole.

Holders Benefits

Experience unique opportunities that will set you apart in the tech industry.

First access to investor deal flow

Inner Circle benefits at ALL our events

Priority access to our high status network

Priority introductions to the people you want to meet

Priority access to our services at a better rate claim a VIP ticket for NFT Bali (RRP $3333),with the option to trade if you're unable to attend.

Lifetime access to our business club (Save $2,400-4,800 a year)

And Much more!


Find answers to common questions and address any uncertainties or inquiries you may have.

How many of these are there?

125 is the total supply & there will never be any more.

What are the benefits?

Lifetime access to our inner circle with multimillionaires, founders with multiple exits, really strong investors that like to get actively involved & plenty of great signal through the noise - you will never be charged again.

Is this membership transferable?

Yes! you can always sell it later by listing it on your preferred marketplace

What are the long term goals related to this collection?

We wish to use these as a requirement to start chapters in other cities with our full support - to build a truly global network of access for our inner circle. If someone wishes to license our IP & build kinda-like a franchise model, they will be required to convince one of our holders to sell them one.

Are there any other upcoming activations for genesis holders?

Yes! 1 free VIP ticket for NFT Bali this year in June worth $3,888 & free mints on any future collections launched for specific geographic locations. We're also always on the hunt for airdrop allocations to give to our holders (we're selective about who we allow to associate with us)

Still have questions?